Le Noël de Khuc Cay
(My fourth book, I wrote it in French, published in October 2023)
Khuc Cay fête noël ! Ce Noël, embarquez dans un monde merveilleux : suivez les aventures d’Alex, le bonhomme en pain d’épices, champion du monde d’emballage de cadeaux, d’Anna la petite fille qui aime préparer ce grand jour avec son chat Chi, et de l’incontournable Père Noël équipé de sa hotte magique pour sa grande tournée ! Grâce au cahier technique détaillé et aux pas à pas richement illustrés, transformez votre crochet en baguette magique et faites naître sous vos doigts ces 10 personnages féériques en un tour de main !
Le monde merveilleux de Khuc Cay
(My third book, published in November 2022, I wrote it in French. It’s now available in Spanish and will be soon released in German, English and Korean)
Bienvenue dans l’univers enchanté de Khuc Cay.
Partez à la rencontre de Liam le chat superhéros qui veille sur sa ville à la nuit tombée, de Rémy l’autruche devenu le plus célèbre des pilotes d’avion et de Sakura la sirène qui règne sur l’océan. Grâce au cahier technique détaillé et aux pas à pas richement illustrés, transformez votre crochet en baguette magique et faites naître sous vos doigts ces 15 adorables personnages en un tour de main !
Sweet Crochet Animals
(My second book, published in July 2020. I wrote it in French then it has been translated into other languages by the publishers)
Follow the adventures of Elliot the elephant who doesn’t know which garment to wear, Fluffy the scientific fugu, Monhi the kitten who dreams of being a ballet dancer, and many more! You’ll love to crochet and gift these 15 colorful crochet toys, guided by the author’s detailed step-by-step instructions. For beginners in crochet, a complete technical guide will help you get started!

쿡 케이의 사랑스러운 동물친구들

Amigurumi Hayvanlar
Sweet Crochet Friends
(My first book, published in October 2019. I wrote it in English then it has been translated into other languages by the publishers)
Sweet Crochet Friends is a treasure trove of crochet creations and lovely illustrations by the author. It contains the patterns for 16 lovely stuffed toy designs. Each toy has its own unique personality, with adaptable accessories. You can create cuddly animals like Lily the Lamb, Cocola the Koala, Little Panda Peter, Titou the Tiger, Lulu Otter, as well as some cute dolls, like Anna the Bunny Girl, Nana, and Little April.
Some projects are easy and quick to finish, while others are a bit more challenging. There are step-by-step instructions, guides for materials, special techniques, and some tips and tricks to help you. If you love making crochet toys, this book is a great addition to your library.